Saturday, October 12, 2019

Celebrate the inner bitch

It's been a while since the last time
I asked myself "how am i really doing?"
Is it because i don't love myself anymore ?
Or me,my actions have stopped wooing?
The narcissist in me at times questions
Whether i am toxic just for fun?
Or i like being the victim most of the time
and write shaddy stories but act like a nun.
Do any of you know how good it feels,
to pretend to be all sad through words?
Where in reality all you are is a 'Shit', you
listen to hoes singing and play the bitch card.
To be honest I kinda like the fact that it's
Dicks and pussies now that rule,
The bitch in my head dances on that note
But the panda in me thinks i am a fool.
I guess that's the reason why
I don't ask myself questions anymore,
I don't really care but the world hates me
And i am too busy settling that score.

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