Dear Future,
The year is 20something
We all stand together to wish each other luck
We talk about how happy we are
All of us are very satisfied with life
And grateful that life has taken us so far
Here the hammer drops,
I hear the guitar strums fade away in the background
overpowered by some noise,
though we are very familiar with that sound,
But have doubts about that muffled voice.
Is that a child weeping or a girl crying for help,
Who have been torn apart by the society.
Or a poet in the midst of everything forgot their own self,
and gave up in front of the capitalist almighty .
Is that a boy being bullied, burying his fear
because he was repeatedly told boys don't cry.
Or he couldn't find someone very dear
Who would tell him that he is worth a try
Looks like the tune of evolution didn't reach them
Darwin was unfortunately proven wrong. Sigh!
and the flower of change has left its stem
And left the tree alone to die
Tell everyone why you are not the best of the time
and you need more rebellious people to come out,
Tell them for every one good deed you will pay them a dime
We need a team,without any doubt
You know the evolution,modernization we brag about
Haven't yet reached the child bride somewhere in rajasthan
We are still divided between girls and boys scout
cause patriarchy told every good guy 'dude that's not how its done.
the gay couple in a 'not so cosy' apartment in bombay
Have millions of dreams stored in a glass jar
All they want is people with some real attention to pay
And a society who will not put them behind the sanskari bar
Just reach out for the ones in distress,
Teach the ones who are still blinded by norms
Teach us to walk the path of equality in same pace.
Before the cost gets hit by a bunch of storms .
If anyone can change this, 'Dear Future',that's you
So use your wings,even the drones will work too
If anyone can change anything, 'Dear future', that's you.....