Friday, September 23, 2016


HELLO, readers (read friends )

I hope you are doing good...

So today my topic is God..
I dare i mean god must be cursing me right now saying "don't you dare girl"
But what to do i am pretty stubborn with my believe...

The word god comes up with a word religion, what is religion ?something we believe in? or something we practice? our society our religion depends on the believe of our ancestors ..for example if my great grand father practices Hinduism then i will also have to practice Hinduism that is quite a joke itself ..

And offering animals in different kind of religious matters is okay but if we eat any of them which is not allowed according to our religion then we are committing sin.. I mean the animal which you worship as god is superior and other animals? What's wrong with them...kudos to the hypocrisy level..

And the biggest joke is we don't see god as a savior rather  we are scared of him..if we don't practice this god will be angry and god will do something bad with us..and then the hight of hypocrisy comes after all this we call god our father..i mean how how come a father can harm his child? Now, some of you will say god doesn't harm us je teaches us lesson ... Now if i am created by god then why did god created the evil in me...

There's where the answer of true religion is...godnever created anything bad or good...god created world in whole..the presence of positivity is good (read god) and absence of positivity is bad (read evil)

God is within us...we all need  energy to live both mental and physical ...we eat for physical energy and for mental energy we pray..sp if you get the energy from a piece of staone or a piece of paper or any other thing..believe in that energy and the believe will set you free..

So until you find your source of energy don't force your self in believing in any stereotype pratice...

till then stay happy stay blessed
I your crazy blogger
Signing off..



HELLO,,readers (read friends)... I hope you are doing good..
I think you know what my today's topic is ..AGONY and ECSTASY 

two completely opposite words and feelings..but sometimes it comes up in a mixed platter ...
I personally believe life is like that small battery with a positive and a negative side..all we need to do is to place the sides properly and it will generate energy .. The energy   which can change every impossible into possible and light up every dark corner ...

Talking about agony we sometimes think there's nothing left in life and we are worthless and go into the deep sea of depression but remember one think the fire is visible in dark not in light.... And there is no such thing as agony it's only the absence of happiness all we need is a brave heart and one phrase "BE NOT AFRAID WALK ALONE" 

ECSTASY is a word of questionable character and this word leads me to the phrase 'bitter-sweet'... As ecstasy is the supreme level of happiness but i don't think there's any such thing like ecstasy cause in reality we can't fulfill all our wants at time with the minimum amount of resources (afterall I'm a STUDENT OF ECONOMICS ;-P)...SO there always will be a situation where we will get what we want but we still think something is missing..and it's completely normal to feel so as a human being ..i feel you mate..

So wait for the right time to come and till then work hard..and stay happy..forget everything your life king size.
Till then,stay happy stay blessed    
I your carzy blogger 
Signing off..            

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Hello everyone ,,, i hope you are doing good.. 
Let's talk about my topic for this post without any further discussion..

Yesterday when i was coming back from  tuition late at night three boys who were in a bike (and we say we have traffic rules) called me "ei mutki" i,e 'hey fat girl' yes i am fat i take no offence but my question is do i know you ?or do you know me ?or is it your fucking business ?

And the best part is people just time someone can even call me slut and i just have to ignore..but why?? I didn't do anything to you then why are you wasting your time abusing you have anything named SELF RESPECT ...i don't think so..

So this incident lead me to this post and the topic is "JUDGMENT"

We all have the tendency to create different kinds stories about people and their lives..i judge too...but if you are judging someone  then have the guts to say it in that person's face otherwise you are a bloody pervert ..and you should be ashamed of yourself..
Now the most ridiculous part of our society here character of a person is defined by their cloths ,the amount of money they have..may it be a lady or a guy... That lady is divorcee then she must be characterless and the man is divorcee then he must have got affairs ... WOW and the funniest part we don't place the mirror infront of us...

Now the biggest problem if a guy assaults you it's a crime but people will question your character amd if a girl beats a boy up then we laugh at the boy everyone ignores the fact that crime is crime no matter if it is against man or woman or animal ...we all have the same right ..

Now it's up to you which path you choose if you are a coward  then assault us and judge us..or else respect .... If you will give it you will get it your choice what you have to offer respect or disrespect ..

And to the people who feel bad about being judged don't worry life is full of just need to learn how to use it after all those vodka shots... ;-) ;-p..
And remember one thing in a game the audience shouts the players don't let the haters just give back peoples nose if you find it in your business .. :-)  ;-p  .

Till then eat healthy saty fit...
Signing off 
Your writer 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

let's talk about love

Hello readers (read friends ) ...i hope you are doing good...

One cup of tea and a fine morning ...n i am again writing to you people ..

Let's talk about love today.. 'LOVE' such a beautiful topic to talk about ...though i am no one to define love... Th fact is it varies..
What i felt about love is...
Love is difficult to get and difficult to let go..but easy to loose..
For few people love must be that feeling where you do everything for a person especially opposite sex...

But for few love is an asset..where you want to relive every moment fir the person and with the person you love..

May it be agony may it be ecstasy's like a hug from that person can mean everything ..

May it be your teacher may it be you friend may it be anyone try hard to make that person feel good..

But sometimes you feel that the person you love is not giving you that same attention and it's okaty to feel like that cause there's no such thing like if i am loving someone that person will love me back...

Writing about overcoming that situation that feeling is easy but i know in reality it is a bit difficult .. I feel you mate ...

Believe me all you need is a bit of time and someone who will replace that silent conversation on your head with all his/her care...and you will feel the 9th cloud ..

So don't feel bad wait till you get someone like that...till then i am there to make you feel good..share you short comings and i hope i will get you a remedy ...

For any kind of conversation (positive one's  don't sent something bad) i am there mail me (my e-mail ID or you comment it here..

Till then stay healthy stay happy..
                                                  Signing off
                                               Your carzy blogger
                                             SUDIPA ADAK



Believe me i have wasted 18 springs of my life doing nothing and now i think i should start talking to you i mean the readers those people who take their precious time to read my writing (i am average more or less)  thanks for tolerating me
So without any more  drama i will come to the point must be thinking this girl here writes poem and other pointless things,Why? I prefer skipping this question cause i don't wanna get judged .. :-p 

So the readers , All good? I hope you are doing fine ☺

Let's start with LIFE ..pretty good topic huh?.. 
 We all live so we live our life.. But the question is do you love or you live..there's a bit difference ... You love the life you live  but it simply doesn't mean you live the life you love...pretty confusing huh?? Don't worry...let's do a reality check ... Take a piece of paper and write down about your life cause life is a big canvas take the color and draw it the way you want...the characters are of your kind( some of them not) and you love them or you try to love the end it's all about people there. I mean who exist in your life should accept you..

Now i know their must be people like me with lots of question about your own life ...don't think you are carzy the question "WHO AM I ?"
I hope one day or the other you will get your answers
as you know no one reads my blog...believe that you are the only one reading it..(and i thank you for that) ..

                                         Thanking you 
                                         Your carzy blogger
                                         SUDIPA ADAK

Monday, September 19, 2016

the end of season

 Last day of school 

Walking out of the school door;
The duo hugged each other,
More than half a score ;
They had fun together ,

Now they have different paths
Different roles to play,,
They bid each other goodbye ;
Which they promised never to say

There are promises to keep
Before the time move it's wheels ahead
Millions of work to be done
And the stage is all set

The more they move apart,the more their heart beat
Leaving  back the memories,bitter sweet...

Thursday, September 8, 2016

The cards unpacked !

Soft betrayal ; pretty heartbreaks ; fascinating magics this is all it takes to live a smoking hot life...mark my words some dy or the other you will be lying in your bed thinking of the past and regretting your decisions ..but i would suggest not to regret cause it never works ..:-) it's better to show the two middle fingers god intentionally gave you to make it of good use...

                                  The cards unpacked ...
I saw me in the darkest hour,
Haunted by the past in the valley of grey,,
It was me haunting myself?
Or was i the destiny's prey?

The wood was cold,
Calm and composed was the wind,,
Every time movie reaches its climax,
The guilt puts it on rewind.

I got my time in the sun,
Life became a magician's stage,,
Bt the drama is still to come,
When the life will turn its unturned page,,

I still wait for that day to see the magician back,,

Turning the table on;living the cards unpack..