Thursday, September 8, 2016

The cards unpacked !

Soft betrayal ; pretty heartbreaks ; fascinating magics this is all it takes to live a smoking hot life...mark my words some dy or the other you will be lying in your bed thinking of the past and regretting your decisions ..but i would suggest not to regret cause it never works ..:-) it's better to show the two middle fingers god intentionally gave you to make it of good use...

                                  The cards unpacked ...
I saw me in the darkest hour,
Haunted by the past in the valley of grey,,
It was me haunting myself?
Or was i the destiny's prey?

The wood was cold,
Calm and composed was the wind,,
Every time movie reaches its climax,
The guilt puts it on rewind.

I got my time in the sun,
Life became a magician's stage,,
Bt the drama is still to come,
When the life will turn its unturned page,,

I still wait for that day to see the magician back,,

Turning the table on;living the cards unpack..

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