Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The problem of being Apolitical

I have heard people boasting about being Apolitical and i have friends and family members who think being Apolitical is the best thing you can do.
You know i really feel bad when i hear and see such people, cause if we the voters will not be political then who will be. People don't understand that being political doesn't mean you have to be a spokesperson of some party all need to do is to be aware of what's happening around you and what's  the present political scenario of your country.  Cause if you will be Apolitical then you will automatically be indifferent about things which is related to politics and you will never question the 'leaders' and so called 'Desh sevaks' of country. The biggest problem this will cause is the leaders who are already lazy enough to not do anything for us will stop doing whatever little they have to do to retain their power. So even if you don't support a party please be politically Aware of what's going on around you. So that next time a certain neta does or says something politically incorrect you confront that person.

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