Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Life is full of struggle

We blame our government  for potholes and rough roads but we don't stop digging and messing with them.
Same goes with life nah? All those obstacles all those potholes in the road of life and we blame god for it blame our fate and never stop messing up with them. Sad yet true.

We are the one who are responsible for every single thing happening in our life . We are happy?doing good?having fun?We must have done something real good and we are being awarded with those gifts same way when life goes wrong we might have gone wrong in some way or the other

So buddies next time when you feel like blaming god,do yourself a favor just sit down take deep breath and look back to your life for once .

And if looking back doesn't work then one drink or two will surely work.. So buy yourself a drink eat something delicious and take a nap.. Like all the government roads one day or the other your life will get repaired😉